Friday 20 February 2015

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Intimacy Life

Did you know that your zodiac sign can reveal a
lot about you and your personal preferences? The
planets, points, and your sun sign, when
combined, show your personality in a relationship.
Mars and Venus are considered the relationship
and sex planets, so here is what your zodiac sign
says about your sex life:

• Aries
It is a sign of infancy. People under this zodiac
sign want to be first at everything and are easily
hurt. They can’t stand rejection but make a quick
come back. They are not much into romance and
flowers. They love spice in their sex life and
believe in actions. If they want something, they
want it. And if you are the one what they want,
you are going to enjoy being with them.

• Taurus
Taureans enjoy slow and steady seductive
movements between the sheets. They are firm in
their decisions and are reliable. They love having
uncomplicated and undisturbed sex in pleasant
surroundings. They can repeat the same things in
bed without getting bored.

• Gemini
This category of people are stimulated mentally
first then physically. Their moods swing and they
are easily distracted, so you better catch the
opportunity when they are in the mood. You are
going to enjoy intercourse with a Gemini, they like
to talk about sex while having sex.

• Cancer
This is the most emotional sign, they crave love
and this is what they want to get in the mood. If
you want to enjoy your Cancer partner make him
feel loved. Be romantic, touchy, and seductive
with them to have them at their best. They are
often possessive.

• Leo
Leo is a good match for a Pisces. Leos are
sexually confident and passionate. They are good
at exploring different styles between the sheets.
This is the best sexual sign, all they want is a
little attention.

• Virgo
Virgos are sweet and romantic. They expect
perfection and want their partner to be perfect in
bed. A Virgo will always look for someone who is
neat, clean, and well-groomed. They respond
generously to kind and giving behavior.

• Libra
A sophisticated and amazing bedmate, Libras
struggle to make decisions. They love
experimenting and pleasing. A Libra will go out of
his/her comfort zone to keep things interesting
for his/her partner. During intercourse they prefer
grace over vulgarity.

• Scorpio
Scorpios are passionate in bed and in everything
they do. They are happiest when they’re in a
healthy and happy sexual relationship. They are
emotional and sensitive yet dominating at times.
They are choosy when it comes to partners, they
have high standards in every area.

• Sagittarius
People with this zodiac sign love their freedom
and experiencing new and different things. They
don’t have any limits in bed and can change their
partners and experiences frequently. They tend to
be bachelors longer.

• Capricorn
Capricorns are usually goal-oriented but when
they get into fire they perform well. They are shy,
dependable, sensuous, and reserved lovers. They
love going slow and enjoy pre-intimacy more
than other things. They are not adventurous and
you will have to try harder to convince them to
try new things.

• Aquarius
They are intellectual and their libidos rise in
relation to their mental stimulation. They try new
things only if they sound interesting to them.
They start slowly but can get really passionate
during the process. Once they are totally in, they
will spark the fire.

• Pisces
People under this zodiac are more emotional than
intellectual. It’s a water sign and they possess a
high level of maturity when it comes to
relationships. They go with the flow and trust
their intuitions about people. In bed they can
easily sense what

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