Wednesday 24 December 2014

Nigerian Army Jails Lt. Col., 15 Others Over Chibok Girls’ Abduction

The Nigerian Army has sentenced three officers
and 13 other soldiers to two years’ imprisonment
each over the April 14, 2014 abduction of over
200 schoolchildren from their hostel in Chibok,
Borno State, by Boko Haram insurgents.
The soldiers, including a Lieutenant Colonel, a
Captain and a Second lieutenant, were arraigned
before a General Military Court Martial at the
Maxwell Khobe Military Cantonment, Rukuba in
Jos, Plateau State, in October 2014.
The officers are Col. A. O. Ojo, Capt. O. O.
Ogunrinde, and 2nd Lieutenant V.I. Godknows.
Although the trial started at the headquarters of
the 3rd Armoured Division of the Army in Jos, the
court was moved to Kaduna where the judgment
was delivered on Tuesday.

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