Monday 15 December 2014

Some Of Jose Mourinho Lovely Quotes, So Lovely And Interesting!

Welcome to the Jose Mourinho page – a tribute
to one of the best managers in contemporary
football, the self-annointed ‘special one’ and
master of mind games. He is the king motivator,
the master baiter, and he has been, for certain
periods of his career, the manifestation of God
himself (to Chelsea fans who haven’t seen better,
mind you). On regular days, he plays the Devil
with more aplomb and poise (and I dare say
reliability) than any other public figure that I’ve
Now that we’ve got the compliments and titles
out of the way, here’s a look at what’s in store
for you. You get unlimited access to….
The most ‘complete’ collection of Jose Mourinho
quotes. Yea, take THAT, Wikipedia.
Mourinho has always been a manager that has
brought out curiosity (and hate) in managers and
fans of other teams- the Portugeezer clearly has
talent for the job he does, but his constant shows
of cockiness in the press make him a person that
interests, amuses and brings out the urge to see
him smashed in the b*llocks by those in the
football world.
Throughout his time in England,
Mourinho has been a godsend for press reporters,
as nearly every other day they were given a tasty
sound-bite to snack on. From Mourinho
pronouncing himself ‘the special one’ upon his
arrival, to his recent “eggs and omelettes” quote,
there have been quite a few good ones in his time
at Chelsea.
For now, enjoy the quotes, and bookmark this
page in case you need to come back and get a
gem from the Special One’s vault of special
Jose Mourinho Quotes -
During his time at Real Madrid 

“I am Jose Mourinho and I don’t change. I arrive
with all my qualities and my defects.” – When he
was unveiled as the new Real Madrid manager in
“I am not anti-Barcelona. I am coach of Real but
Barca doesn’t worry me. My only concern is to
grow Real. Barca are great rivals and we respect
them. If I am hated at Barcelona, it is their
problem but not mine. Fear is not a word in my
football dictionary.” – When he was unveiled as
the new Real Madrid manager in 2010.
“I am prepared. The more pressure there is, the
stronger I am. In Portugal, we say the bigger the
ship, the stronger the storm. Fortunately for me, I
have always been in big ships. FC Porto was a
very big ship in Portugal, Chelsea was also a big
ship in England and Inter was a great ship in
Italy. Now I’m at Real Madrid, which is
considered the biggest ship on the planet.” –
Shortly after completing the signing of Sami
Khedira from VfB Stuttgart in Mourinho’s first
transfer window in charge.
“What position is my wife in? Eighth, at least” –
After he was told that he was surveyed to be the
ninth most influential man in the world.
“Look, I’m a coach. I’m not Harry Potter. He is
magical, but in reality there is no magic. Magic is
fiction and football is real.” – After the goalless
draw against Real Mallorca on his Real Madrid
“I have to train with ten men. How to play with
ten men, because I go there with Chelsea, I finish
with ten, I go there with Inter, I finish with ten
and I have to train to play with ten men because
it can happen again.” – Before the second leg at
Camp Nou of the 2010-11 Champions League
final against Barcelona.
“He must really think I’m a great guy. He must
think that, because otherwise He would not have
given me so much. I have a great family. I work
in a place where I’ve always dreamt of working.
He has helped me out so much that He must
have a very high opinion of me.” – When the
Spanish radio network Cope asked him what he
believed God thought about him.
During his time at Inter Milan
“Zeru tituli” – Mou’s shot at Italian back-fired
after he incorrectly pronounced ‘zero titoli’; which
means ‘zero titles’.
“I studied Italian five hours a day for many
months to ensure I could communicate with the
players, media and fans. Ranieri had been in
England for five years and still struggled to say
‘good morning’ and ‘good afternoon.’” – After
then Juventus boss criticised Mourinho’s
coaching methods, Jose went on the offensive in
the summer of 2008.
“I am no longer Chelsea coach and I do not have
to defend them any more, so I think it is correct if
I say Drogba is a diver.”
“As for Lo Monaco, I do not know who he is. With
the name Monaco, I have heard of Bayern
Monaco (Munich) and the Monaco GP, the
Tibetan Monaco (Monk) and the Principality of
Monaco. I have never heard of any others.” –
After Calcio Catania president Pietro Lo Monaco
claimed he wanted to smack Mourinho in the
mouth following Inter’s Seria A win in 2008.
“We want to follow a dream, yes, it’s true, but
one thing is to follow the dream, another thing is
to follow an obsession… and this is not an
obsession, it’s just a dream.”
“We would have lost if there were six Inter players
left on the pitch.” – After defeating AC Milan 2-0
with nine men.
“It is clear that I will end my career without
having coached Barca.” – After defeating
Barcelona 3-2 on aggregate in the 2009-10
Champions League semifinal.
“I confess that it isn’t easy to enter on football
with the name of someone who is already in
football. I feel that with my own son. He already
liver under the pressure of being a son of mine.
For that, I admire Rui Aguas and Maldini, who
managed to live with the weight of that pressure,
and already did a lot.” – While speaking at the
Doctorate Honoris Causa degree award ceremony.
Jose Mourinho – on Chelsea
“There are only two ways for me to leave
Chelsea. One way is in June 2010 when I finish
my contract and if the club doesn’t give me a
new one. It is the end of my contract and I am
out. The second way is for Chelsea to sack me.
The way of the manager leaving the club by
deciding to walk away, no chance! I will never do
this to Chelsea supporters.” – when asked if
success in the Carling Cup final might mean the
last trophy he would win for Chelsea.
“We’re not the perfect team and I’m not saying
we are the best team in the world, but I think we
deserve a little bit more respect.” – after Chelsea
defeated European champions Liverpool 4-1 at
Anfield. Mourinho’s team had recently been
criticised for playing “boring” football
“Everybody is crying that Chelsea keep winning
and winning and winning so I think that draw at
Goodison Park makes everyone more happy. It
gives people more hope and brings to the
Premiership what everybody was waiting for.” –
On the loss of their 100% league record at Everton
– October 2005
“Look, we’re not entertaining? I don’t care; we
win.” – on Chelsea’s performance at the start of
the 2006-07 season
“We are on top at the moment but not because of
the club’s financial power. We are in contention
for a lot of trophies because of my hard work.”
“I am very happy because the club is beating
records with the sales of new shirts. I don’t sell
shirts but there a relation between shirt sales and
the performance of the team. If we perform well
they sell more shirts.”
“If Roman Abramovich helped me out in training
we would be bottom of the league and if I had to
work in his world of big business, we would be
“I am not concerned about how Chelsea are
viewed morally. What does concern me is that we
are treated in a different way to other clubs.
Some clubs are treated as devils, some are
treated as angels. I don’t think we are so ugly
that we should be seen as the devil and I don’t
think Arsene Wenger and David Dein are so
beautiful that they should be viewed as angels.”
“This is the start of a process not the end. I want
more for me and Chelsea.” – On winning the
Premiership title – May 2005
“We have eight matches and eight victories, with
16 goals, but people say we cannot play, that we
are a group of clowns. This is not right.” – On
Chelsea’s start to the new season – October
“Everybody was waiting for Chelsea not to win
every game and one day, when we lose, there will
be a holiday in the country. But we are ready for
“At the very least we should be given a bit of
credit and a little bit of space, and maybe the
media should think we could help them discover
why English teams do not win European
“Sometimes you see beautiful people with no
brains. Sometimes you have ugly people who are
intelligent, like scientists.” – On the state of the
Stamford Bridge pitch prior to their home
Champions League game against Barcelona in
“I don’t say we are a defensive team. I say we
are a strong team in defensive terms, but at the
same time lacking sufficient fluidity in attack
because that will take time to come.”
“It is like having a blanket that is too small for
the bed. You pull the blanket up to keep your
chest warm and your feet stick out. I cannot buy
a bigger blanket becuase the supermarket is
closed. But I am content because the blanket is
cashmere. It is no ordinary blanket.” – on
Chelsea’s injury crisis and the end of January
transfer window after Ashley Cole was injured in a
3-0 win over Blackburn, 31 January 2007
“After all that has happened this season – and
that is a lot – I’ve reached the conclusion that I
am a good loser.” – after losing the Premiership
title to Manchester United in the 2006/2007
‘Everyone in the club must feel we have a good
relationship between us. If Mr Abramovich wants
to be in on the training session that’s fantastic.
Or, if at the end of the match he wants to go the
dressing room, for me it’s great. It’s never a
problem. – After meeting Abramovich for the first

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